A Spiral of Becoming– live online creative retreat

June 11, 2022 noon to 4pm EDT on Zoom

I’d love to welcome you to a half-day online retreat in creative, prayerful community. The time together will be spacious and restful, free of any expectation except your presence to yourself and to the Spirit.

We will enter together into reflection, conversation, creative practice, gentle body awareness, and more using varied sacred resources, images, and poetry. Our theme is “Becoming,” an opportunity to look at our lives through the lens of spiritual growth and how we are being invited into more fullness and freedom.

This is a safe and welcoming space for your whole self to come exactly as you are.

Registration is open through May 29th and creative materials will be sent through snail mail. Size of group will be limited to ensure a safe and intimate experience for all.

I hope you will join me!

Cost: $52.50 through PayPal (see link below) which covers all materials and shipping. Once payment is received, I will send a form to safely collect your information.

Christine Hiester