Always We Begin Again- a creative new year retreat on Zoom

What is God inviting you into for this next new year?

I am not a setter of resolutions. Nor am I particularly inspired by a list of goals.

I am a deep listener. I listen to the Spirit, to others, to myself. I listen in silence, in nature, in poetry and color.

And so I felt drawn to create a space where we can listen together as one year turns into another. There’s nothing inherently special about January 1st, but as we pass by the longest night of the year, anticipating light and warmth even as we inhabit the dead of winter, I desire to begin and begin and begin.

Each day is a beginning. Each breath is a beginning. Each morning new mercies, and each month a new moon. We are people of renewal and resurrection.

What is God inviting you into for this next new year?

Join me on January 8th, from 9:00-11:30 ET, to share in silence and creative practice, embracing the reality of what is always new within us. This will not be a time of looking back in review or looking forward in planning. We will instead ground ourselves in the Holy through our bodies, hearts, and minds so that we can hear the hum of next.

Attendees will receive a snail mail package the week of the retreat, so registration will end on December 23rd. Contact me through the form below to express interest and I will send you the registration link.

Christine Hiester