Unfolding: Praying from the Inside Out {a creative mini-retreat}

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Sometimes our prayer feels like it is an add-on, instead of communion emerging from within our being. We are busy, we feel scattered, we try to find time to pray. Something feels off but we can’t figure out what that something is.

What would it be like to reimagine and redefine prayer– not as another item that needs to fit in to our to-do list, but as lived experience from within? If we recognized at a body and soul level that God dwells within, and so it is from this dwelling place that we are being prayed from the inside out.

On May 29th we will meet to explore what this looks like in a mini-retreat crafted to bring prayer back into our bodies, hearts, and imaginations. We will engage our whole selves in the question, How is prayer happening within me? We will create, journal, move, and share within a safe and gentle community of others searching for a lived experience of God unfolding in real time.

If you are interested in joining us, contact me through the link below for more information and to register. A small snail mail package is included in registration, so the deadline is May 20th.

May 29th, 9-noon EST on Zoom. Registration fee is $48. I hope many of you will choose to join me. It would be an honor to hold the space with and for you.

Christine Hiester