Pilgrims of our Inner Selves

I’m a sucker for the new year.

I don’t set resolutions, and I’m not a huge fan of the success-oriented culture of setting goals, but the energy of newness gets me every time. This newness invites me inward instead of outward, always offering a deeper sense of myself and who I am becoming as the end of one year turns to another. And then what I find is that an intentional, interior pilgrimage prepares me more fully to meet my life in the new year with joy, passion, and purpose. Spirit within, Spirit without, and the beautiful dance between the two.

Meister Eckhart, a 13th century mystic, theologian, and pastor, exhorts us to be “Pilgrims of Our Inner Selves”. This mysterious journey inward is never complete, always surprising, and perpetually Divine-led; it leads us, finally, to the place where God and Soul are one.

It is the most important pilgrimage we make in this human-and-spiritual life.

I would love to invite you to a creative and contemplative virtual retreat crafted around this interior pilgrimage. On Saturday, December 30th from noon to 4pm EST, our Zoom retreat space will be open with an abundance of invitations for you to enter into silence, prayer, poetry, journaling, creative practice, movement, and sharing in gently tended community. Creating safe spaces for us to explore and grow in “communal solitude” is a passion of mine, and I am always deeply moved by the ways we can connect across distance and time zone through the Mystery of Divine Presence, who knows no such boundaries. Though my personal spiritual language and tradition is contemplative Christianity, all of my retreats are interspiritual in nature, to hold the broadest welcome for all. If you have questions about this, please feel free to contact me.

If you’ve been present for one of my virtual retreats before, you’ll know also that I love sending snail mail goodies to be used during our time together. If you are in the continental US, you will receive a fun bubble-wrap envelope of materials for our creative practice the week before retreat. If you are outside of the continental US, the retreat is offered at a discount and I will send you a small list of accessible materials to have on-hand.

Details and registration link are below! Space is limited so we can enjoy an intimate experience of retreat together.

  • When: Saturday, December 30th, 2023 from 12pm to 4pm, EST

  • Where: in a virtual Zoom space

  • What: contemplative and creative practices, conversation, shared wisdom, and snail mail goodies!

  • How much: $60 for the four-hour retreat, materials, and shipping to the continental US/$48 for friends outside the continental US

Christine Hiester